Tag Archives: in the backyard

Summer flowering…

The elderly woman who lived here before me left behind a terracotta pot of crocus she’d planted. At the time, the plant just looked to me like thick grass, for I was very new to gardening then with much to learn (an ongoing process!)

Then in spring and summer, lovely pink crocus flowers appeared and it was such a delight, especially to someone with their first garden. For more than 25 years now, they’ve been happily flowering each year but were getting a bit snug in their terracotta pot.

With much trepidation, I moved them to a new home in the backyard garden bed a little while ago and it is such a relief to see them happily burst into flower once again. I still think of Joyce when I see them. 💗🌿

(PS. I’m hoping the little, yellow pollen footprints means that someone might’ve been visiting to collect it.) 🐝🦋

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Speranza e auguri… hope and wishes

Life often looks wonderful on social media and I wonder that at times it doesn’t always show both sides. If I’m honest, December 2022 has been one of hardest months of my life with several unexpected losses and much challenge.

Then to top it off, after almost three years of careful avoidance, I received Covid for Christmas and the New Year (I was fully vaccinated) and have been very sick with every symptom. I’m stunned at just how terrible Covid can be and wouldn’t wish it on (or risk giving it to) anyone.

I’m still trying to get through it and have lost being able to taste and smell, (devastating to someone who loves cooking!) but I’m hoping these will return in time – fingers crossed. And I also still hold hope for this fresh, new year.

If anything, going through this past month makes me appreciate so much more and I’m grateful to have had those I’ve lost, for the pain means there was much love, and so it takes time to adjust and adapt.

In the meantime, I’m always amazed at how simply stepping out into the garden can help lift your spirits. Seeing what’s flowering right now, hearing the muffled beat of a bird flying across, feeling the warm, gentle summer breeze and thinking of the year ahead.

Knowing that yes, there will be more trials and griefs to come – that’s life – but there will also be many beautiful happenings too, even tiny ones. Buon anno, baci e auguri, Zoe xx

PS. Some pictures from my garden… (this morning’s lovely discovery – a self-sown pumpkin). I live on an ordinary-sized suburban block and am often happily surprised by just how much life is going on within it!

PPS. When I get back to being able to taste and smell, I have a feeling I’ll be cooking up a storm. 👀🙂


Filed under garden + vintage linens

Vegie patch flowers…

It’s usually feast or famine in my garden and while I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who have lots of magnificent flowers growing, it seems they never bloom much and then move on to the next life. As winter draws near and the garden is changing with the seasons, I’ve realised that over the spring and summer, I do have many flowers in the garden, it’s just that they usually end up turning into food!

They mightn’t be as big or spectacular as other flowers but they are very giving, both to us and the different wildlife that visit, so I do feel pretty grateful to have had these lovelies in the vegie patch over the warmest months. And they’ve been the start of what would later be picked to became part of many dishes that have ended up on the kitchen table!

Here’s just a few… Flowers from top left to right: eggplant (looks like a bunch of bananas in the middle!), lettuce, nasturtiums, tomato, mandarin, chilli, pumpkin, coffee and turmeric. (Sounds more like a pantry!) And last but definitely not least, very thankful for the bees and other insects that come to do their magic. 💛🐝

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Filed under garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories

Autumn flowering…

Coming back from the shop recently, I passed a house that had a bucket of free geranium cuttings out front and stopped to take a couple.

A few weeks on, and am rewarded with this lovely autumn flowering… (no filters, no tricks, just saturated with its own colour). A reminder of someone kind sharing their garden with others… and also, window boxes of these red flowers in stone villages that takes me straight back to Italy.  xx

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Filed under garden + vintage linens

a basil forest…

Amazing how a much longed-for pour of rain a few days ago has brought about a basil forest in the vegie patch! So, it’s all things basil for a bit with this beautiful harvest… homemade pizza with basil, tomato and mozzarella, basil pesto with orecchiette and crispy prosciutto, as well as bruschetta with basil, tomato and balsamic. (Any other ideas for basil are most welcome. As is a little more rain all round for everyone in Australia!) And I have to say that Costa Georgiadis’ gardening tip of pinching the tops off when harvesting basil is a great one. I reckon it has quadrupled the crop. 🌿  


Filed under dishes + recipes, garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories

Water… and figs

Our two birdbaths and various ground dishes about the place are being visited and almost emptied every day by both day and night visitors to the garden. 😊🐦🐝🐞🐾

And the fig update is… the tree net has certainly worked with several of these beauties about ready for picking. We have tank water and are using it sparingly so it’s incredible how generous nature can still be despite the heat, the dry, the smoke and hot winds. Please send us all a decent drop of rain soon… but not floods!! 🌿

(Previous fig tree post.)

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