Tag Archives: Kitchen garden

Winter circles…

Winter circles… kitchen, garden, lovely moon and of course, coffee (thanks to Roger’s barista skills!) It’s the best time for my favourite type of slow and oven cooking and the dishes pictured include (top right) ricotta gnocchi baked in the pan and (bottom left) a serpente of mushrooms and wild greens (but the snake got away on me a bit!)

I wish I had a fireplace as flames are such a lovely part of winter but instead must be content with this beeswax candle – though I have to say it does smell delicious. And for those who saw my last post, the first mandarin (pictured) from the tree actually was very delicious, and perfect, perhaps even more so because I could go out and pick it from the backyard!

Hope you’re keeping warm and carrying on cooking and getting out into the garden, park or patio, even if to just be in the sun and crisp air for a bit, or to see the winter moon. Zoe x

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Mandarini e rosmarino…

The shortest day of the year and the garden’s winter light seems crisper, a dryness to the cool air. As I get older, I realise more and more my gardening is taking on aspects of the Nonnos and Nonnas among us, as if by osmosis… checking each day, touching the plant leaves, saving seeds, happiness at seeing healthy worms in the freshly turned over soil. Perhaps one day I’ll even start planting by the moon like many Italian gardeners do, instead of plonking plants in and hoping for the best.

Mandarins and rosemary are reigning in the vegie patch at present. I’m soon to pick my first mandarin for the season and each day keenly check their growing blush of orange. Meanwhile, the rosemary is like a forest and as well as using it in cooking, I’m starting to put rosemary wands in flower vases and love their scent when I touch them while going past.

There’s an Italian saying… where rosemary bushes grow large and bloom, the woman rules the house. I’m not sure about that, although it might make Roger laugh, I’m sure! But I do love how it makes me think of Nanna Francesca’s rosemary shrub and how my Mum grew it too. They were both strong yet gentle as needed be, forte e gentile, and if those qualities rule a house, then so be it. Happy winter solstice! Zoe xx

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Vegie patch flowers…

It’s usually feast or famine in my garden and while I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who have lots of magnificent flowers growing, it seems they never bloom much and then move on to the next life. As winter draws near and the garden is changing with the seasons, I’ve realised that over the spring and summer, I do have many flowers in the garden, it’s just that they usually end up turning into food!

They mightn’t be as big or spectacular as other flowers but they are very giving, both to us and the different wildlife that visit, so I do feel pretty grateful to have had these lovelies in the vegie patch over the warmest months. And they’ve been the start of what would later be picked to became part of many dishes that have ended up on the kitchen table!

Here’s just a few… Flowers from top left to right: eggplant (looks like a bunch of bananas in the middle!), lettuce, nasturtiums, tomato, mandarin, chilli, pumpkin, coffee and turmeric. (Sounds more like a pantry!) And last but definitely not least, very thankful for the bees and other insects that come to do their magic. 💛🐝

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Spring garden and severe storms…

My vegie patch has been going well this spring – I’ve counted 36 tomatoes on the plants so far – and also coming along well is the corn (my first try growing it) and there’s eggplant, pumpkin, figs, plenty of pawpaws, lots of different herbs, nasturtiums, daisies and sunflowers on their way for the bees.

Unfortunately, there are also severe storms predicted and after the tomatoes copped some hail on Sunday, this morning I decided it safest to cover up the vegie patch with netting as best I could, being a short person! (I was also perhaps channelling Nonno Anni and his enthusiastic netting that he used to do for his fig trees! That said, hopefully the tent pegs and clothes pegs I’ve got holding it all in place do work.)

Really hoping the severity of the storms forecast doesn’t eventuate so that not just the garden but people and animals stay safe too. I’ve used this fine, white netting that is best for protection from hail as well as hungry visitors. (The other netting pictured that is black with larger holes is not very effective and it’s cruel as birds and flying foxes can’t see it as well and also get caught up in it and break their wings.)

I also wanted to say congratulations to everyone in Melbourne and thank you for your forbearance! Well done!! You’ve stayed in my thoughts and am so pleased for you all. Enjoy coming out of lockdown! As the Nonnas would say, Sempre avanti. Zoë xx

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Filed under garden + vintage linens

Small moments of beauty

Granny Maddalena harvesting from her vegie garden before going inside to cook for all the family. Sometimes it’s the simplest things…




Filed under garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories

Australian spring…

Some lovely, spring, vegie patch colours…

and a fellow pretty happy catching insects.

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Backyard summer crop…

Returned to the vegie patch after a spell to find the tomato plants now trees and despite the inattention I must be forgiven as they continue to be generous in the summer heat (the cucumbers trying their best also!!) Always a thrill to harvest such beauties from the backyard…



Filed under garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories

first fig for the season…

first-figUsually we end up eating most of these picked straight from the tree in the backyard but perhaps this year some might last long enough to cook with…

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Spring greens…

I know it’s a modest harvest yet I was thrilled to pick the first greens grown in our kitchen garden and make a salad for lunch with red and purple lettuce, parsley, basil and stevia leaves. I also added some cherry tomatoes (from the farmer’s market not the vegie patch, though I noticed the tomatoes I planted have some baby ones starting to form!)


Filed under garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories