Tag Archives: nasturtiums

Unexpected flowerings…

With much going on with the book coming out, I haven’t been able to get into the garden for a while and suddenly noticed out the window that the hippeastrum (centre) has flowered (exciting to me as it’s looked half-dead for a long while and I didn’t expect a recovery, especially with my past bad experiences trying to grow flowers!)

Looking around the garden, I see spring has indeed begun in my absence with lovely amber nasturtiums and little, late pea flowers in the vegie patch, the white flowers on Nonno Anni’s coffee tree and more white flowers (top) covering Grandpa Bob’s hawthorn (and attracting lots of lovely bees). There’s a striking red canna too, one of ‘Nanna’s cannas’ grown from Nanna Francesca’s that grew for years in her front garden and precious to me (since those who’d later live in the house would mow over them until they eventually disappeared completely).

And I also spotted a pinky-purple flower that I think might be a weed but it’s growing so valiantly in a cement crack next to a stone wall that there’s just no way I can pull it out. Lovely how so much life can be happening in an ordinary, suburban yard – birds, dragonflies, plants from loved ones, weeds, unexpected survivals and flowerings. Zoë 🌷🌿 xx

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Filed under garden + vintage linens

Vegie patch flowers…

It’s usually feast or famine in my garden and while I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who have lots of magnificent flowers growing, it seems they never bloom much and then move on to the next life. As winter draws near and the garden is changing with the seasons, I’ve realised that over the spring and summer, I do have many flowers in the garden, it’s just that they usually end up turning into food!

They mightn’t be as big or spectacular as other flowers but they are very giving, both to us and the different wildlife that visit, so I do feel pretty grateful to have had these lovelies in the vegie patch over the warmest months. And they’ve been the start of what would later be picked to became part of many dishes that have ended up on the kitchen table!

Here’s just a few… Flowers from top left to right: eggplant (looks like a bunch of bananas in the middle!), lettuce, nasturtiums, tomato, mandarin, chilli, pumpkin, coffee and turmeric. (Sounds more like a pantry!) And last but definitely not least, very thankful for the bees and other insects that come to do their magic. 💛🐝

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Filed under garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories

Australian spring…

Some lovely, spring, vegie patch colours…

and a fellow pretty happy catching insects.

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Filed under garden + vintage linens, inspiration + history, kitchen stories