Tag Archives: home cooking

Friday night feast…

When feeding a few on a Friday night means pizza, pane cipolle and a pan of spaghetti! (And some salad. 👀😄) All pretty rustic, especially with a temperamental oven on its last legs, but the entire house has some delicious cooking scents and everyone seems to be smiling. (Credit and un grande grazie to Roger for his part in cooking too!) Buon fine settimana a tutti! Zoë xx  😊💛🍕🍝


Filed under kitchen stories

Roasted spaghetti squash…

Spaghetti squash… a sunny winter vegetable. It grows on a vine like pumpkin and has yellow, star-shaped blossoms that only open for one day. Love how, once tender, you can gently fork the strands from the sides to create spaghetti in its own bowl.

I never encountered spaghetti squash when growing up. And when it came to spaghetti pasta, when I was a child in the 1970s, at home we mostly had fettucine not spaghetti. Going to Australian friends’ houses I envied how they had spaghetti and added bolognaise sauce on top. I felt self-conscious that at my house we had fettucine with my grandparents’ homemade passata mixed all through and twirled it onto a fork. I’d get tied up in knots about doing anything ‘different’ and not fitting in.

Now I think it’s wonderful that Australia having migrants from more than two hundred countries also means people cooking and sharing more than two hundred traditional cuisines and that’s as well as our First Australians’ rich culture of food and cooking. It’s said that different groups often come to be accepted when their food becomes known, enjoyed and sought after. To think, once spaghetti was so strange and foreign to some and now it’s such a beloved dish in all its forms. Hopefully there are now kids with Italian ancestry happily twirling their spaghetti in front of their friends and even teaching them to do so too. Maybe even with spaghetti squash! Zoë x 💛🍝


Filed under dishes + recipes, kitchen stories

Margaret Fulton’s cookbooks

Vale Margaret Fulton (1924-2019).
Her person, her cooking, her books…  

My Italian grandmother gave me a lot of cookbooks over the years but these two Margaret Fulton ones were given the special place of being my 18th and 21st presents. I know I didn’t appreciate them enough when I was young but over time they’ve been used often with many pages tagged and splotched and I love that Nanna Francesca wrote in both of them.

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