The Proxy Bride – new book coming

Four months until, The Proxy Bride is out and the book cover has landed at my desk. It’s always interesting to see what the publisher creates for a cover and even though this is book three, each time it still feels astonishing to see my name on the front!

For this book it’s been an honour to write about a part of our hidden history – the courageous women who married by proxy and travelled to the other side of the world to husbands they’d mostly never met. And also of the Italian wives left behind on farms in Australia after their husbands were interned during WW2 and how these women banded together to survive against tough odds and much hostility towards them at the time.

Not least, it’s also about Nonnas and granddaughters in the 1980s when those stories and secrets from the past began to emerge and cultures clashed along with old Italian traditions and Australian life. Of course, while it’s a novel, so much of this book is inspired by true happenings, family stories and even a bit of my own experience as a teenager in the ’80s. Looking forward to sharing it with you! Zoë xx


Filed under books + writing

8 responses to “The Proxy Bride – new book coming

  1. Helena Voss

    Dear Zoe, How fantastic, a new book in the pipeline and I can’t wait to read it! Congratulations! What fascinating & challenging issues & characters involved, reading the ‘foretaste’ or introductory blurb! I am sure it will be marvellous & given my own migrant, ‘wog’ background, as a Ukrainian who experienced various clashes of culture growing up, I believe it will resonate strongly within me! And within the hearts & souls of many! Best wishes & hope it is a huge success! Helena Voss

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    • Thank you, Helena, very much appreciated! So pleased to be able to bring these stories to light. Especially the ones that have long been little spoken of and deserve to be heard too. I’ve so much respect for those who overcome adversity in the most difficult of situations. And yes, our migrant stories are very much part of who we are, both in Australia and around the world. Thanks again for your lovely wishes! Zoe xx

  2. Rodney James

    I look forward to reading this new book a experiencing the trials and tribulations of the Women. I enjoy your writing style.

    • Thank you very much, Rodney, it’s lovely to bring to light some of the quieter, but no less interesting, voices and stories in this one. Hope you enjoy reading it! Zoe xx

  3. Rina

    Your stories and anecdotes mirror the narratives of my parents and their peers. Amazing experiences of our immigrant families of past times , as they acclimatised and assimilated in a new country. Can’t wait to read your new novel.

    • Thank you, Rina, that’s really wonderful to hear. These are all our stories and I’ve a lot of respect and admiration for the generations who migrated and went through such challenging times. It’s an honour to preserve even small parts of our migrant histories. Hope you enjoy reading this one too! Zoe xx

  4. Rosemary Pennisu

    Can’t wait.

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