Tag Archives: Spring

Spring circles…

Spring circles in the kitchen and garden – eggs in purgatory, ‘lucky’ lentils, broad bean risotto fritters, a dandelion flower, melanzane fritte, orange patty cakes, fava spaghetti with spring greens…

Circles are significant in Italian folklore – the symbolism of the sun that makes things grow, the wheel of life slowly turning, the seasons in a constant cycle circling around through the dark and cold and back to light and warmth once more.

I think of Granny Maddalena’s leathery, work-worn hands sorting through the lentils to remove any tiny stones. I feel the light smoothness of lentils in my own hands now as the wheel continues to turn. Auguri fortuna e felicità questa primavera – wishing you luck and happiness this spring. 💛 Zoë xx

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Filed under kitchen stories

Book news and the first day of spring…

New season, new month and very happy to say… a new book on the way! I’ve recently signed a contract with HQ Fiction – HarperCollins for book three. It’s very early news but so many of you over the years have asked with such warmth and kindness when the next book is coming, I wanted to share this with you straight away.

One unexpected catch, it will be more than a year or longer until it is in print due to delays like covid. Still, I’m so grateful to be getting published in such times and am now working on book four. It’s too soon to reveal much more just yet, including the title, but I will do so as soon as I’m able to.

Most of all, I wanted to thank you for your encouragement and thoughtful words over the years between books. It really does keep me going throughout the lengthy writing process. I can’t wait to share this new book with you! Zoe xx 💛🌿

(I took this photo last summer but a bee in flight and the happiness of yellow flowers seemed perfect to celebrate the first day of spring.)


Filed under books + writing

Rosen in Deutschland…

Beutelsbach flowersSpring in Australia starts today {although the equinox is a few weeks off yet}. I wish I’d grown these myself but I took this picture during the northern hemisphere’s spring – in Beutelsbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, where I was doing research for a future book. It seemed every window box and garden were growing beautiful red flowers.

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