Tag Archives: Mezza Italiana Marcella Russo audio book

Mezza Italiana on ABC Nightlife…

From this week until early January, ABC Nightlife in Australia is broadcasting the Mezza Italiana audiobook read by Marcella Russo (pictured). This is one for the night owls as it may not be on until around midnight, although I’m told apparently it will have quite a large audience of half-a-million nationally! Many thanks to Bolinda audio, ABC Books and Nightlife. So lovely to think Mezza is still out there reaching people. ❤🍅 xx




Filed under books + writing

Some book news…

So pleased I can share with you that Mezza Italiana is going to be broadcast on ABC radio’s, Nightlife from early December and into January. The audio book is voiced by actor and voice-over artist, Marcella Russo, who was fantastic to work with. I also recently found out that, Joe’s Fruit Shop and Milk Bar is to be translated into braille, which is a wonderful surprise. A few years back, I had the opportunity to do a literary talk at a luncheon at NSW Parliament House to support the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children and I’m really thrilled that this translation has come about.

In other book news I’m gradually coming toward the end of what has been a massive project of writing two books back-to-back including a lot of research over the past few years. I’m not yet sure what effect the current pandemic situation is going to have on this and to be honest it does feel a bit overwhelming and uncertain to be in the arts at present, but when the time comes that I have more news I can share with you, I will do so straightaway! In the meantime, I hope you are well, especially those who have been enduring longer lockdowns than others. My heart and thoughts stay with you and am wishing you hope, more fortitude and some light in your day, even if it is something as small and special as a bird popping by the window. In bocca al lupo. Zoe xx


Filed under books + writing