Tag Archives: flowers

On the kitchen table…

On the kitchen table today… stripey carnations that take me back to Great-grandma Charlotte’s garden of her small house at Wynnum, where the breezes smelt like the sea (and the muddy flats if the tide was out). 😊

She was a wonderful scone baker and always had a pot of tea covered in a hand-knitted tea cosy on the kitchen table. Love how one flower can bring back memories from many decades ago.

Hope you have a lovely day! 💛



Filed under inspiration + history

Aunty Fred’s orchids…

First flowering after five years in wait… orchids from a cutting my godmother, ‘Aunty Fred’ gave me from her garden, from a cutting that was from her mother’s garden.

Have these lovelies on my desk today to remind me that some things can be a long while in the creating but hopefully something worth all the work will emerge in the end.


Filed under garden + vintage linens, inspiration + history

flowers and the scent of memories…

carnationsThe first carnations are in bloom in the backyard and have a lovely scent…
I could smell their perfume on the breeze as soon as I walked outside. Decided to grow some of these to remember my great-grandmother, Charlotte who had them in her front garden. (Charlotte got a small mention in Joe’s Fruit Shop and Milk Bar when I wrote of her scones, along with Granny Maddalena’s frittata, revealing a bit of their everyday lives through what they cooked.)

Perhaps carnations are considered somewhat old-fashioned at present but I never worry about fashion when it comes to things like flowers, to me they’re all lovely and bring a little happiness…

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Filed under garden + vintage linens, kitchen stories