Tag Archives: books and writing

‘Out in the world’…

Over time, many of you have sent me photos of my books ‘out in the world’, so to speak. It’s been such a surprise to receive each one – thank you! I’m truly touched to think of those who’ve whipped out a camera to take a photo of the books on bookshop shelves, in window displays or when you’ve got one home and then shared that joy with me. And to see one there with a chilli and crostoli and another with a lovely home-baked torta next to it is just lovely! If yours isn’t here, these are just a few (and I didn’t include ones with people in them for privacy). Thank you to all of you who’ve connected to my books. It’s always wonderful to discover how you may have related to different aspects of them and I really appreciate your messages, letters and kind words.

If you follow my posts here, you’ll know I usually only share little stories or happenings as I feel self-conscious about promotion and hope the books will find their way to those who might enjoy them. With Christmas coming though I should mention that if you decide one might be a lovely gift for someone, you can still find all three books in paperback, ebook or audiobook online or in bookshops. (If they’ve sold out, just ask at the counter for them to order in a copy and it should be there within a week.) Thank you – that’s any publicity over for the year! – now back to work at my desk.

Speaking of my desk… being sentimental (or not bothered to get a new one!) I write at the same second-hand desk I was given at about the time I started high school (nearly 40 years back!). Ironically, as a teenager, I ended up doing much of my school homework lying on my bed, but now I sit at this desk most days and I still pinch myself that what I write here ends up becoming bound books ‘out in the world’, especially when I see your photos and messages. Thank you again for all your lovely kindness and in the meantime, I’ll keep working on the next project. Auguri!💛 Zoë xx


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