Tag Archives: white feather

a chance discovery…

Thank you for all your kindnesses after my last post. I’ve now passed the halfway mark of my six-week recovery since I got home from hospital after the surgery and while some days have had challenges, I’m going pretty well so far.

The one other time I’ve had a six-recovery was when I was seven and broke my arm. It was the Christmas holidays and we’d not long arrived to stay at the beach for a couple of weeks. It’s funny but just the other day, I was looking through the bookcase for something to read and by chance saw this Enid Blyton book. (I seem to hold onto everything!) but no doubt in this case because Nanna Francesca had written in it.

After I’d broken my arm, she’d sent it to me with this sweet message in Italian wishing me good health and to see me soon, ‘bambina’, from nonna and nonno. Seeing now how I’d diligently marked off each story in the contents as I read them, I have to laugh. (I also notice the pages are now yellowed with age!)

From the holiday, we posted this photo of me back to Nanna Francesca and Nonno Anni along with a little letter to say thank you. Nanna had also sent me the hat I’m wearing in the photo – on it are the words, ‘Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival’. 😘

I don’t know what made me notice this book that I haven’t looked at for years and yet there’s something reassuring in seeing Nanna Francesca’s words again. A lovely little bit of serendipity. Auguri a tutti di buona salute. 💛 Zoë xx

PS I recall being upset I’d broken my right arm, not my left, and couldn’t hold a pen to write my stories. I also remember being devastated at not being able to go to the beach so Mum taped a plastic garbage bag around my plaster cast so I could swim in the sea. 😄


Filed under books + writing