old photograph, blurry, creased, precious…

My grandparents, circa 1950.

                                                                 …small moments of beauty.


Filed under art + photographs

2 responses to “old photograph, blurry, creased, precious…

  1. Hi Zoe. Love old photos like this one. They tell stories in themselves.
    We have just returned from 3 months in Italy, having some time in Abruzzo. We visited Fossa and found it heart breaking, knowing what caused the desolation, and even a little “eerie” yet the activity there with some of the houses showed hope. Susan

    • Hi Susan, thank you, I admit I can spend ages delving into old photos! How wonderful to have had three months in Italy just recently. It must be a bit of an adjustment to be back. How lovely that you also had some time in Abruzzo. I agree it is both emotional and a bit eerie in Fossa since the earthquake. Great to hear there is activity with some of the houses, fingers crossed that rebuilding continues and gains more momentum! Best wishes, Zoe x

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