1970s Christmas from afar…

Christmas Eve, 1970s, Nonno Anni shouting, ‘Everyone get ready!’, Nanna Francesca already with tears in her eyes, family crowding onto the plastic runner over the carpet in my grandparents’ narrow hallway, the clunky, black, Bakelite corded phone ringing with that booked international call to relatives faraway in Italy. A few precious, expensive minutes to talk at a time when overseas holidays weren’t so common or affordable and relatives far away were sometimes never able to be seen again.

Wishing you much happiness at this time whether near or far, however large or small your day may be, hope the coming year is wonderful! Thank you for all your messages and support over this past year, it really means a lot to hear from you. Zoë xx

(Top left, lane outside Fossa house 1970s, and below, town hall Xmas tree Brisbane same time.)


Filed under inspiration + history, italy

10 responses to “1970s Christmas from afar…

  1. dkdowda

    Hi Zoe How appropriate and timely that I received your email just now! It made me put down Mezza Italiana at page 120. Just as I had with Joe’s Milk Bar and Fruit Shop, I am loving the story of your “viaggio verso la tua italianita”. I relate very much to Roger’s enthusiasm and adoption of “tutte le cose italiane”. Even as I write this to you my partner’s mother, Lucia, is in our kitchen fussing around making preparations for tomorrow’s Christmas lunch. I just thought that I would reply to your timely email. Saluti a te e tua famiglia Buon natale E Buon Anno

    Dwight Dowda (Burrawang NSW)

    • Hello Dwight, hopefully it didn’t interrupt you until after you’d returned from the festival in Cocullo! 😉 Really great to hear that you are enjoying Mezza Italiana. I had a feeling you might relate to Roger’s journey (still ongoing!) into Italian ways. How lovely to have that anticipation of Christmas lunch tomorrow prepared by Lucia! Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and much happiness in the coming year (and hope you enjoy the rest of Mezza too!) Buon Natale e buon anno per 2019! Warm wishes, Zoe xx

  2. Augusto di marco

    It has been a pleasure, thank you so much for putting up with me for the full 12 months.

  3. I remember being in Italy in 1972 and being very excited to get a phone call from home (Australia). Times have changed and communication is much easier and cheaper now. Have a lovely Christmas.

    • Hi Debra, I too remember what that was like having first travelled there before mobile phones and internet. Such a fleeting (and expensive) link to home! Thank you and all the best for the festive season and coming year. Zoe xx

  4. Laurell Brown

    Happy Christmas, thank you for your stories throughout the year.

  5. I remember those days too, when calls were expensive and messages very short! Thank God communication is better now. Buon Natale, Cristina

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